Physics Update: Higgs Boson and 1970s Standard Model
Getting It On
The science staff at Rocket City Blues tell us they are
delighted to report that the Higgs Boson particle, recently outed as a dude, is
dating the 1970s Standard Model shown above. But as for me, I’m not so keen on
this development.
a time, high energy particle physicists were concerned that the Higgs Boson
might not show up, leaving The Standard Model a little unsure of herself,
although why, I can’t tell you. But everybody--at Fermilab, CERN, the UARocket
City ED Non-Collider, all the places--has sighed with relief that the couple have
hooked up.
those who were born, say, after 1985, and who therefore don’t recognize the Standard
Model, Wikipedia will as always
straighten us out. We quote verbatim:
The Standard Model of particle
physics is a theory concerning the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear interactions, which mediate the dynamics of the known
subatomic particles. Developed throughout the mid to late 20th century, The
Standard Model is truly “a tapestry woven by many hands” because it was cobbled
together by many brilliant minds, sometimes driven forward by new experimental
discoveries, sometimes by theoretical advances. It was a collaborative effort
in the largest sense, spanning continents and decades[1]. The current
formulation was finalized in the mid 1970s upon experimental confirmation of
the existence of quarks. Since then, discoveries of
the bottom quark (1977), the top quark (1995), and the tau neutrino (2000) have given further credence to the Standard Model. Because of
its success in explaining a wide variety of experimental results, the Standard
Model is sometimes regarded as a "theory of almost everything".
To this remarkably sweaty piece of prose, we at Rocket City Blues say, What is this? The Big Bang of Metaphor? The Wikipedia guy says The Standard Model is
“a tapestry” made “by hands” and then that it’s
“cobbled together “by . . . minds”, many of
them, only to be “driven forward” sometimes
by “advances”? And then they sent her out to do some “spanning
[of] continents and decades”? She must be about 17 and maybe
115 pounds in this shot. And she’s certainly not dressed for travel.
Physicists should date a little earlier than in their 40s.
Maybe start in high school. That would help.
You never tell a girl she is a theory. Tapestry maybe, you
might get away with that if the mood is right, but you do theory, you’re
Rocket City Blues sympathizes with these
many brilliant minds working up a sweat and offering more credence to the
Standard Model. But for me she has all my credence right away. And then some. So
let’s cut the crap about “the top quarks” and the “lower quark.” This is not
science. This is self-evident. And you never tell a girl that she is “finalized”, even
if your grant is running out. And
you never tell her she is “almost everything”. She is totally everything to me and she always will be. That’s what you
I would quit collaborating with those many other guys. I’d get out of the lab, pronto.
To hell with the Boson. Let him go back where he came from.
And the same for Higgs the meddling old fart who introduced them in the first place.
What was I doing in the 70s, reading?
It is too late. It is always too late.
This is physics. This is why everything finally is sad.
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