"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."--Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kiss a Physicist Delayed

Notice: “Kiss a Physicist Today” Rescheduled
            The celebratory “Kiss a Physicist Today” scheduled by Rocket City Blues for Saturday, July 8 has been deferred. The day seems to have passed unnoticed, and, due to a somewhat tepid response and a bit of confusion, the event will be rescheduled as
Kiss a Physicist If You Want
Maybe Around 4:30 on a Friday Sometime
Next Month
Watch for confirmation and guidance in these pages. We don’t want any conflict with
Hang a Banker Day
 which is a matter of somewhat more pressing urgency and is coming up real soon. Besides, we are getting complaints along the lines that Rocket City Blues should “get off this physics, I didn’t take it” and “more fizz and less physics, more fizz and less physics” and so on.  


  1. I'm in favor of this "Kiss a Physicist" thing... just sayin'

  2. We are too, Jim. Tips and guidelines are coming!
